Fines for Water Jumping in Spanish Resort Town

Fines for Water Jumping in Spanish Resort Town

In a popular Majorca resort, fines are being imposed for pier jumping following a series of incidents. Violators face a fine of 900 euros.

The municipality of Muro, located in Majorca and known for its beaches and clean waters, has introduced restrictions on water jumping. This decision was made following several dangerous incidents near the shores of Playa de Muro.

Local authorities and police are reminding tourists about the prohibition of jumping from specific piers to ensure their safety and prevent accidents.

Seven incidents have already been recorded, raising concerns about the possibility of a tragedy. Many vacationers and their children perform jumps, aiming to create dramatic shots for social media.

The installation of railings is excluded, as it could increase the height of the jump and the threat. Five warning signs are already in place, but this has proven insufficient, so additional signs are planned.

"We urge visitors to be cautious. It is impossible to constantly monitor. One careless jump can radically change your life. If everything goes well – great, but if something goes wrong... the consequences can be catastrophic," says a police representative.

In July, two people were injured after jumping into the sea: one suffered injuries to the nose and neck, the other to the head. The depth in the jumping areas is insufficient, making them extremely dangerous.