Hot Sheep Shearing Festival 2024, Armenia

Hot Sheep Shearing Festival 2024, Armenia

June 15

Hot Ranch LLC, Tatev Community, Syunik Province

In the picturesque mountainous region of Syunik, where pastures are filled with the scent of wild herbs and mountain ranges rise majestically to the sky, an unforgettable event takes place once a year – the Hot Sheep Shearing Festival. It's not just a celebration of an ancient craft but a true immersion into the unique culture and history of the Armenian people. If you enjoy sheep shearing, June is the time to visit Hot village in Syunik, Armenia. Here, at the sheep shearing festival, locals from Vayots Dzor and Syunik maintain the tradition of honoring all things related to lamb, also gifting their friends with short meat, back, and sides.

Origins of the Tradition

Areni, Armenia: An Armenian shepherd herding sheep in the countryside

Sheep farming has always been a cornerstone of Armenian agriculture and lifestyle. Since biblical times, sheep have provided food, wool, and leather, and their shearing became a ritual passed down through generations. In Hot, located in the picturesque Tatev Community, these traditions are carefully preserved to this day.

Festival Program

On June 15, 2024, the Hot Sheep Shearing Festival will open its doors to everyone interested in experiencing Armenian hospitality and cultural heritage. Guests will enjoy a rich program, including:

  • Workshops on traditional sheep shearing from experienced shepherds, including guest shearers from New Zealand, Georgia, and the UK;
  • Exhibitions of wool and leather products showcasing the richness of Armenian craftsmanship;
  • Tastings of national dishes made from lamb and dairy products, including healthy local cuisine;
  • Concerts of folklore groups performing ancient songs and dances, as well as performances of traditional folk songs and dances;
  • Market of local artisans offering unique crafts from Vayots Dzor and Syunik.

The highlight is the sheep shearing competitions, judged on speed and precision. Entertainment includes live music, DJ performances, tournaments, special contests and games for children, and rope walking. This is a rich Armenian cultural festival.

How to Get There

The festival takes place at Hot Ranch LLC in the Tatev Community, Syunik Province. You can reach the venue by several means:

  • By car: From Yerevan, follow the M2 highway towards Goris, then turn onto the road leading to Tatev. The total distance is about 280 km.
  • By public transport: From Yerevan, take a bus or minibus to Goris, then a taxi or local minibus to Tatev.
  • By tour bus: Many tour operators offer organized trips to the festival from Yerevan and other cities.

Accommodation and Food

Tatev and surrounding villages have limited guesthouses and small hotels at affordable prices. It is recommended to book accommodation in advance. The festival grounds will have tents with national food and drinks, as well as stalls with snacks and souvenirs.

The date of the Hot Sheep Shearing Festival in 2024 is June 15. The traditional festival in Armenia first started in 2015.

Where is the Festival?

It will be held at Hot Ranch LLC (formerly the livestock market), Hot village, Tatev Community, Syunik Province, Armenia.

Unforgettable Impressions

The Hot Sheep Shearing Festival is not just a holiday but a true journey through time, where ancient customs are seamlessly intertwined with modernity. Here you can touch the roots of Armenian culture, feel the hospitality and warmth of the locals, and enjoy the picturesque mountain landscapes. Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of authentic Armenia and become part of this unique event!