A selection of articles by tag

Sushi in Japan
Japan is a long and narrow country, filled with mountains. Due to this, many areas in Japan are difficult to cultivate. However, the country is surrounded by the sea, making fish and shellfish a significant part of Japanese cuisine. Fish and seafood are prepared and served in many different ways, but the version you're probably most familiar with is the raw variant served with cooked marinated rice, namely: sushi
- 2024-04-06
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Journey into the Mysterious Arashiyama Bamboo Forest
Arashiyama, a unique bamboo forest located in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, is a place where nature has created a truly magical landscape, shrouded in an aura of mystery and tranquility
- 2024-04-06
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15 Things You Should Never Do in Japan
We always say that before traveling to another country, it's important not only to know its major tourist attractions or what you must see and do. It's also crucial to research a bit more about the customs, habits, and culture of the destination you're visiting. Especially if it's a country as different from ours as Japan
- 2024-03-24
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10 must-see places in Tokyo
Before you start planning your days in Tokyo, it's best to familiarize yourself with our list of must-visit places in Tokyo to decide which areas you're most interested in and which ones you'll eventually decide to skip if you don't have time for everything. Our map of Tokyo will surely help you too. Senso-ji Temple This ancient Buddhist temple in the Asakusa district was founded in 628 AD, making it Tokyo's oldest temple
- 2024-03-24
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18 Tips for Traveling to Japan
Japan is a unique country that blends rich cultural heritage with ultra-modern technologies. Traveling through this amazing country can be a real challenge for an unprepared traveler. However, by following some simple tips, you can fully enjoy your stay in Japan and avoid many common mistakes. In this article, we will discuss 18 valuable recommendations that will help you plan an unforgettable trip to the Land of the Rising Sun
- 2024-03-24
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9 places in Japan that are worth visiting
When planning a trip to Japan, it's important to identify the key landmarks for your itinerary in advance. This will allow you to efficiently allocate your limited time and decide which places to prioritize. A map of Japan will also help visualize the location of different regions. 1. Nikko Nikko is the perfect place to begin exploring how Japan harmoniously blends history, culture, and nature
- 2024-03-24
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Traveling around Nagoya, Japan
Nagoya is a city in Japan, rich with stunning sightseeing spots, from the magnificent spires and moat of Nagoya Castle to cozy street food stalls and sake tasting tours at night
- 2024-03-10
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How to Find the Best Places to Stay and Coffee Shops in Japan
Japan, a country known for its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and bustling cities, has long been a dream destination for travelers from all over the world. If you're planning a trip to this enchanting country and are looking for the best places to stay in Tokyo and spots to enjoy a great cup of coffee, you've come to the right place
- 2024-03-03
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