Top 10 Attractions in Mexico

Top 10 Attractions in Mexico

Traveling through the magnificent and contrasting landscapes of Mexico, you can experience everything – charming ancient architectural structures, world-class gastronomy, impressive nature including deep canyons, long rivers, arid deserts, beautiful beaches, and lush tropical forests, as well as amazing biodiversity – 10-12% of the planet's existing species.

Many Mexican attractions are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, signifying their special value for preservation. In fact, Mexico ranks seventh in the world for the number of sites on this list. Compiling a top 10 list of Mexico's attractions is not an easy task, but we offer our version of 10 places deserving a high place on the list.

1. Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza

Regardless of your interest in history, the city ruins of Chichen Itza with its stunning ancient buildings will not leave you indifferent. Chichen Itza, a part of the Seven New Wonders of the World, is located on the Yucatan Peninsula in southeastern Mexico. The city's history begins around 600-900 AD when it was home to the Mayan people. The ruins were discovered in the 19th century, and in 1988, the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. A must-visit in Chichen Itza is the impressive structure El Castillo, or the Pyramid of Kukulcan, as it is also known. It is the tallest building in the ruins, reaching a height of 30 meters. Thanks to its grandeur, Chichen Itza takes first place in our top 10.

2. Copper Canyon

Copper Canyon

The state of Chihuahua is home to one of Mexico's most visited and undoubtedly most impressive natural attractions – Copper Canyon (Barranca del Cobre). It is an extensive network of deep mountain canyons covering an area of about 65,000 km². Compared to the more famous Grand Canyon in the USA, Copper Canyon is about four times larger. One of the best ways to enjoy its beauty is a trip on the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railway. On board, you will pass through the stunning landscapes of Copper Canyon, crossing 37 bridges and 86 tunnels, enjoying incredible views.

3. Tulum


On the eastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, in the state of Quintana Roo, lies the city of Tulum. Its history begins around 1200 AD, and it was one of the last cities built and inhabited by the Mayan people. Today, Tulum is a cozy and tranquil town, much less touristy than, say, Playa del Carmen or Cancun. The city offers attractions for every taste. If you want to relax, Tulum has beautiful beaches, cozy beach clubs, and delicious Mexican restaurants. Culture, nature, and history enthusiasts should visit the stunning Mayan ruins. In Tulum, you can also admire the famous Mexican cenotes – freshwater bodies in karst sinkholes. Additionally, the city offers opportunities for active recreation, including diving and snorkeling near the Great Mayan Reef off the coast of Tulum. If you're up for cycling, there are excellent routes in the city. Of course, you can combine all types of leisure activities.

4. Mexico City

Mexico City

With a population of over 20 million people, Mexico City is among the world's largest cities. However, don't be intimidated by its size – despite this, Mexico City charms with its allure. Thanks to its centuries-old history, the Mexican capital features completely different neighborhoods reflecting a whimsical combination of the old and new worlds, a mix of pre-Columbian, Spanish, and modern cultures. In Mexico City, you'll see everything: from ancient ruins to small authentic districts and more modern commercial areas. Visiting Mexico City is a must-do for any trip to Mexico, so the city takes fourth place in our top 10 best attractions.

5. Teotihuacan


About an hour's drive from Mexico City lies the city ruins of Teotihuacan, dating back to 400 BC. In 1987, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and for good reason. On an area of about 20 km², there are about 2000 apartment buildings, as well as various temples, plazas, and palaces. The two magnificent pyramids – the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun, which can be visited, and the huge Avenue of the Dead have gained the most fame. There is a certain mystique surrounding Teotihuacan, as archaeologists still cannot accurately determine who built this city. It is assumed, however, that in the 15th century, it was discovered, captured, and named by the Aztecs. Teotihuacan means "the place where the gods were created." But one thing is certain – a visit to Teotihuacan is a must for anyone coming to Mexico.

6. Yucatan Cenotes

Yucatan Cenotes

In the state of Yucatan, you will find cenotes – freshwater bodies in karst sinkholes, as the Mexicans call them. The most famous is the Gran Cenote, located a few kilometers from Tulum. Despite its name suggesting one large cenote, Gran Cenote actually consists of several different cenotes connected by wooden decks. Besides Gran Cenote, worth mentioning are Casa Cenote, Cenote Calavera, Cenote Sasil-Ha, and Cenote Oxman. The water in Yucatan's cenotes is crystal clear, so the underwater world in many of them can be easily observed even without deep dives. Nevertheless, cenotes are very popular among divers and are considered one of the most beautiful places in the world for underwater swimming.

7. Oaxaca


The city of Oaxaca, giving its name to the state, is considered the gastronomic capital of Mexico. Here you can taste authentic Mexican cuisine and try traditional dishes such as tlayuda (a kind of pizza) and enfrijolada (fried tortilla with beans). Besides tasting these delightful dishes in restaurants and street cafes, in Oaxaca, you can learn Mexican cuisine on various culinary courses. The city is also known for producing one of the best types of mezcal – a strong agave-based drink.

If you're not interested in gastronomy, Oaxaca is still worth visiting. Since the city was relatively untouched by major transformations that affected other Mexican cities, it has retained a unique atmosphere. It's no wonder that Oaxaca is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here you will see magnificent colonial buildings, interesting museums, charming markets, and beautiful nature. It's also worth mentioning that if you find yourself in Mexico on October 31, November 1 or 2, during the Day of the Dead celebration, Oaxaca is the best place for this. The city is known for one of the brightest Day of the Dead festivals in Mexico. Here you can join the locals in honoring the memory of the deceased, as on this day, according to an ancient tradition, the souls of the dead return to the world of the living to meet relatives. The Day of the Dead is a joyous festival, and many Mexican cities turn into large festive venues with colorful parades of costumed people, exquisite feasts, and other entertainments.

8. Guadalupe Island

Guadalupe Island

240 km off the coast of Lower California is Guadalupe Island – not to be confused with Guadeloupe, France's overseas region in the Caribbean Sea. The island is known for its amazing variety of marine life, especially as it is home to more than 360 great white sharks. On Guadalupe Island, you have a unique opportunity to swim with these majestic predators in a cage. In addition to sharks, you can also see tunas, large schools of sardines, and other inhabitants of the deep sea. In our company, we emphasize animal protection, so any activities involving them are conducted on the animals' terms. Diving with great white sharks takes place at a depth of 30 meters, where they naturally reside. The animals are not lured with bait so that they behave more relaxed, show curiosity, and approach the cage closer.

Diving with great white sharks is a completely unique experience that can only be obtained in a few places around the world. In fact, only four places on the planet organize such cage diving.

9. Swimming with Whale Sharks

Swimming with Whale Sharks

Although not an attraction in the direct sense, but rather a type of activity, swimming with whale sharks deserves a place in our top 10. In Mexico, you can swim with these giants in several places, and it is definitely an experience to try for everyone coming to the country. Being in the water with the largest fish on the planet is an amazing, yet soothing experience. Despite the fact that whale sharks can reach 15 meters in length and have a mouth up to 1.5 meters wide, they are calm, friendly, and elegant creatures, posing no danger to humans. In our company, we emphasize animal welfare, and all activities involving them are approved by the World Animal Protection Society. The same applies to swimming with whale sharks. By following simple rules (do not touch, avoid excessive filming, keep your distance, behave quietly, and swim beside, not in front of the shark), you will not cause them stress with your presence.

10. Beautiful Beaches of Mexico

Beautiful Beaches of Mexico

Mexico is rich in magnificent sandy beaches, and since it is difficult to highlight the best and most beautiful, we have combined them into one item at number 10. Mexico is washed by four seas, so wherever you are on its coast, you will find a luxurious beach. Most of them are characterized by snow-white sand, azure crystal-clear water, and palm trees – everything inherent in true paradise shores. Special mention deserves the Tulum beach, which has repeatedly been recognized as one of the best and most beautiful beaches in the world according to Tripadvisor polls. This beach combines breathtaking views of the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea and the majestic ruins of the Maya, making it a must-visit.